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I should not be an ordinary guy

Mr. G.H., age 42 yrs, from Bharuch consulted me for Dry Eczema with intense itching in August 2020.

We had a detailed discussion with him, which lasted for an hour and fifteen minutes.

Previously he had been to a Homeopath for a year or two without any relief. During that time, his condition started worsening. He said he didn't have such intense silvery patches before. He started abusing his previous doctor saying we had spent so much money only to make our skin condition worse than before. He and his brother both have skin issues and both of them had started treatment together with their previous well-known doctor (Institute). And now both have come to us for the treatment.

"I was so much better before treatment", he said.

I asked him about his nature and what he likes or fears, etc.

(In patient's words)

"I am very much aggressive by nature and it's all because of a desire for perfection. I can't take it easy. I have 0% tolerance. Everything should be perfect and accurate. I am taking too much responsibility by my own. I look at my work from top to bottom, it has to be accurate. I am taking all the burden of responsibility on me and I have no tolerance power at all. Everything has to be done according to my criteria. And this is my biggest drawback !"

"There is no one in my office that takes care of everything the way I do. I observe each and every single second. I am highly ambitious . I am also very punctual about time and am always on time. I am on my bed at 11.58 pm only after having washed my feet."

(Look at the last line above, see the intensity of his punctuality and routine.)

"I have holistic responsibility. Responsibility for everything, from start to the end. There has to be an end result or outcome. I have to take each and every responsibility and I fulfill the responsibility by any means. I am successful in whatever responsibility I have been given...whatever task it is....but not small tasks! All are big ones. I don't need follow up for any of my work."

(Look at his desperation and boasting. This says a lot about his state. We will discuss it later during analysis.)

(Here, as he stopped, I asked him what his ambition in life is.)

To be on the top! Whatever the sector it is, I must be recognized.

I have all kinds of responsibilities, whether it is family, job, any kind of commitment. Even our company's Top Management interacts only with me. I am the guy who wants to lead everyone and meets influencing people in my company.

I should not be an ordinary guy. It's not acceptable to me. I have to be on the top. I can't obey anyone easily and I can't pass any responsibility to someone else with 100% trust. I have very high expectations. I want to be recognized. They have to kindly take note of me. Yes, I need attention. I am more involved while I am taking any responsibility. I want to engage myself 100%. I always give concrete inputs. (With hand gesture of making fist)

(While saying the word 'concrete', he uses a hand gesture of showing his fist, which has too much energy. So I asked him what he was showing with his hands. He said...)

It is leadership (showing his fist again) in my control. I am handling everything and I must be recognized for that.

(I asked: Recognized?)

Means rewards. I want to be considered. If you have done nothing, then you can't ask for anything. Without work, I can't even take a Gold medal freely given to me. You can't buy the Gold medals which they are selling in the market. But if you have done it, then you want it with pride. That's the reward of your work.

If our boss calls me, I take the whole stone (burden) of responsibility on my head.

(In Hindi, in his own words: Boss ka call aata hai tab main responsibility ka pura patthar sar pe le leta hoon)

I have anticipatory anxiety also. I become restless if they don't call me in the cabin at my time.

(It took me an hour to reach here in case taking. He had no dreams, no fears, so I asked about his physical complaints.)

I have a dust allergy. I always prefer to take a bath after going out or coming from anywhere. I have a habit of taking a bath 3-4 times a day. I always keep my car's windows shut, as I can't tolerate any dust while traveling. I always feel there is a layer of dust accumulated on my head or body after going out. So I have to take a bath after returning to my home.

Whenever I ride my bike, I get a headache because of cold air.

(I asked him to describe the pain)

It's like an iron plate or bar has been put on my head.

His Dry Eczema is aggravated in the winter season. Itching becomes intolerable during the winter season.

My understanding of the case :

Very important Keywords in this case, which easily lead us to the kingdom:

Perfect, accurate, responsibility, top to bottom, tolerance power, burden, drawback, punctual, end result, outcome, punctual, time, successful, on the top, big task, small task, recognized, considered, commitment, expectation, concrete, reward, gold medal, stone,...etc.

You can clearly see the language of a Mineral Kingdom person here throughout the case.

"Everything has to be done according to my criteria. And this is my biggest drawback!" - This is the language of a Mineral Kingdom person. Throughout the case, we haven't seen any sensitivity or reactivity issues of a Plant Kingdom. Neither had we seen any victim-aggressor issue of Animal Kingdom.

Here the issue is of a structure - the problem is within him. He is much organized, accurate, perfectionist, punctual and expects the same thing from others. He is pushing himself way beyond to be on the top. He has a very high sense of duty and responsibility. This is not a normal day to day task or responsibility but a great responsibility of someone in the top position of a company. Here, we are looking at his perception of the situation and not his reality (actual job/designation/position). In his perception, he is someone on the top who is leading his organization and fulfilling each and every responsibility and now needs to be recognized or considered. He has even mentioned about the rewards or gold medals. He doesn't want a gold medal for free. It is against his ethics. He wants it because he has fulfilled his responsibility. So here we are talking about a very heavy metal (high responsibility or leadership quality) from the Sixth Row of the periodic table. Sixth row people also have a high sense of morals and ethics. Here, he is not talking about the Fifth row issues which are problem solving, research, performance, new things and innovation or creativity issues but leadership and high responsibility.

You can see in the case, he had used a powerful hand gesture while mentioning “I always give concrete inputs.” When asked about this hand gesture, he hasn't talked about inputs here, but leadership:

"It is leadership (showing fist) in my control. I am handling everything and I must be recognized for that."

Now the question is which column he is in. Look at these lines:

"I have to take each and every responsibility and I fulfill the responsibility by any means. I am successful in whatever responsibility I have been given...whatever task it is....but not small tasks! All are big ones. I don't need any follow up."

"To be on the top! Whatever the sector it is, I must be recognized."

"I should not be an ordinary guy. It's not acceptable to me. I have to be on the top. I can't obey anyone easily and I can't pass any responsibility to someone else with 100% trust. I have very high expectations. I want to be recognized. They have to take note of me..."

See how desperate he is to take any responsibility. And he is very successful in it - at least in his own perception. He is neither someone who is lacking any leadership skill nor one who is scared of losing his position. His perception is that of a guy on the top who is successful. He is not an ordinary guy but someone special on the top. Even the tasks he takes up are not SMALL ones, but BIG ones!

You can see a great degree of boasting and superiority complex in him as well:

"I have all kinds of responsibilities, whether it is family, job, any kind of commitment. Even our company's Top Management interacts only with me. I am the guy who wants to lead everyone and meets influencing people in my company..."

We are dealing with a Tenth column here, which is all about success, achievement, rewards, appreciation, to be on the top, not an ordinary but an extraordinary person. Taking the sixth row and the tenth column, here we come to the remedy Platinum.

Platinum people are highly ambitious with a very high sense of duty and responsibility. They need appreciation or rewards, as they feel they have done their duty and are successful and they feel that they are not appreciated. They need to be considered.

As Dr. Rajan Sankaran describes in his book The Soul of Remedies, for Platinum people, everything is rare, valuable, big, top, superior, special or extraordinary. Here, the feeling is like that of a King or Queen. They can't be ordinary guys. You can see here in this case, the patient describes himself as not an ordinary guy. He even takes up the responsibility which is very very big. He deals with the top men of his company.

"Even our company's Top Management interacts only with me. I am the guy who wants to lead everyone and meets influencing people in my company…

I am successful in whatever responsibility I have been given... whatever task it is....but not small tasks! All are big ones!"

[Rubrics you can take here - Mind; delusions, imaginations; tall, taller; he is

OR Mind; delusions, imaginations; smaller; things; are

OR Mind; delusions, imaginations; superiority, of

OR Mind; egotism, self-esteem

OR Mind; haughty, pride

OR Mind; boaster, braggart]

This is the language of a heavy metal Platinum. You can see how he is correcting and clarifying about the big tasks, “…whatever task it is.... but not small tasks! All are big ones!" This is how he puts down the ordinary or small things with contempt. These are the subtle things you need to observe while case taking.

[Rubric you can take here - Mind; contemptuous]]

I selected the following rubrics from the complete repertory for the case.

He was given Platina 200C, a single dose.

His level of experience was at a higher level (delusion). So the ideal potency for him would be 1M, but considering that this is a Dry Eczema case with intense itching, I went with lower potency - 200C. As in my experience, such skin disorders (with intense itching) usually get aggravated with higher potency and may spoil the case.

Result :

His eczema has been recovered more than 90% in three months of treatment. He was so happy and he had almost forgotten about his skin issue during his 3rd follow up. You can see his leg below in the image - completely normal without any scar left behind.

Tinea Pedis problem

Along with the relief in his skin complaint, he feels calm and detached now. He doesn't have that compulsion of perfection now. He is more relaxed after the treatment. He is taking his responsibility and fulfilling each of his duties but without any compulsion or aggression, and that’s what health is all about! You are not going overboard with your work or success but enjoying it without any abnormal compulsion or attachment with your goal. Attachment is unhealthy, as it has the condition in it. Just go with the flow and achieve your goals healthily with detachment.

Few screenshots of his WhatsApp conversation, showing his happiness:

Tinea Pedis problem

He still has some patches left on his back but he is still under the treatment. It will take 6-7 months for full recovery physically, mentally and spiritually. When your patient is happy, it will give you happiness and boost your own energy as a physician to work hard to get the similar kinds of results in all the cases. Happy Healing!

For queries/questions/online consultation, contact:

Email - [email protected]

Call - 9004813236 (Dr.Nikunj)

  • tina:

    nice articles

  • Dr.sanika Shirsath:

    This is one of the best way to Explain Case . Nice keep it up

  • yuva:

    good one

  • youva:

    Goood One

  • Manasi Gauur:

    Interesting case!

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